The Cardiovascular Tonic Blend has been formulated to assist dogs and cats, to support circulation, regulate blood pressure and prevent fluid retention.
Contains: Hawthorn, Dandelion, Yarrow and Gingko.
Start by switching your fur kid to natural raw cuisine. Once your fur kids transitioned to raw, typically between 4 and 6 weeks, introduce the Honeyvale Cardiovascular Tonic into the diet.
The Cardiovascular Tonic Blend can be used in conjunction with conventional therapies. The natural treatments are widely used with variable success but have not been thoroughly investigated and proven at this time.
As with any condition, the most healthful natural diet will improve the pet’s overall health.
PLEASE NOTE that herbal and other natural products can harm your
animals – not all plants are safe and gentle! Do not attempt using any
of the ingredients listed, or any other plant matter, without the
guidance of a qualified herbalist.
Blue Sage | Cardiovascular Tonic Blend (Cats & Dogs) (350gr) (SQ) (Custom)
- Brand: Blue Sage Distribution
- Product Code: BS-PC-CARDIO-01
- Availability: Pre-Order
- Ex Tax: R223.68
Tags: Cardiovascular, Herbals Blends for Dogs, Herbal Blends for Cats, Herbal Blends